
MODX: Manage Everything from One Platform.

small office
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"Rapidly develop any digital experience and power it with a uniquely customisable content management system"

You can stop throwing money at endless compromises and focus your energy on achieving goals. Become productive once again!

Old code:
MODX is extremely flexible MODX is MODular
Image Description

MODX: The Build Anything Construction Company

MODX keeps the Exterior and Interior elements completely separate and functional on their own, thus it's a Content Management Framework.

In Construction terms, MODX is utterly expandable and flexible. You can start your business in your bedroom and then as you grow you can change both the Exterior and Interior elements without breaking the Core functionality — the foundation — upon which MODX builds. So, you can turn that converted office room into a multi-level office building and manage everything without the pain that is baked in with other website systems.

My job is to tailor MODX to your needs, and then, as your needs change, incorporate those changes into MODX. Instead of thousands of Plugins, I need only 10-15 Extras to accomplish whatever you need.

  • Ultra secure platform
  • Creative Freedom
  • Indestructible Core
Contact Peter

MODX Capabilities Demonstration

I'm currently building a mid-size business that consists of 3 divisions that are retail and wholesale based. They're diversifying into a different industry to create a different revenue stream. Different Sales, Marketing, and Communication channels are needed. Not only can MODX handle this scenario with aplomb, I can pack this business infrastructure and deploy it for a business that can use it as is, or expand upon it with ease.

WordPress: Mobile Home Prefabricators

WordPress mixes the Exterior and Interior elements into one pre-fabricated mobile home. That's its default. To add functionality you must add Plugins that don't originate from WordPress so you don't know if it's going to follow best, coding practices that are critical to a secure website.

In other words, you can create a double-wide, even a quintuple-wide but it will always be a mobile home no matter how much you decorate it. You can move it anywhere, but its architecture and foundation remains the same.

WordPress is a mess of code

WordPress is great at creating mobile homes